- private MavenExecutionResult doExecute(MavenExecutionRequest request)
Executing maven request contains the following steps:
1). Sets starting time to the request object 2). Instantiates result container object 3). Validates local repository 4). Creates new repository session (RepositorySystemSession) 5). Instantiates new maven session object (for future purposes lets call it just "session") 6). Notifies AbstractMavenLifecycleParticipant listeners that session has been started 7). Fires ExecutionEvent.Type.ProjectDiscoveryStarted event with created session to the EventCatapult instance 8). Gathers projects for maven reactor and puts them into session 9). Validate projects (building plugins with extensions cannot be part of reactor) - puts just warns 10). Creates projects dependency graph 11). Quits if any exceptions occurred so far 12). Creates ReactorReader and updates session with sorted projects list and projects map (MapAd 8. Collecting all projects
private void collectProjects( Listprojects, List files, MavenExecutionRequest request )
ProjectBuildingRequest projectBuildingRequest = request.getProjectBuildingRequest(); ListIn project builder build method ReactorModelPool is created which is intended to holding all POM files that are known to the reactor. This allows the project builder to resolve imported POMs from the reactor when building another project's effective model. Next the project builders iterate through all pom files and for each creates MavenProject which is passed to DefaultModelNuildingListener and set on ModelBuildingRequest instance. Now the ModelBuilder object comes into play. ModelBuildingRequest instance is passed into build method. After some initial helper objects instantiations the readModel method is invoked.results = projectBuilder.build( files, request.isRecursive(), projectBuildingRequest );
private Model readModel(ModelSource modelSource, File pomFile, ModelBuildingRequest request, DefaultModelProblemCollector problems) throws ModelBuildingExceptionDefaultModelProcessor instance do the read.
public Model read( InputStream input, MapFinally the new instance of MavenXpp3ReaderEx is created and read method invoked. Once model is done it is registered in projectIndex map.options ) throws IOException
If project is recursive and contains modules it locates pom.xml for each and add it to moduleFiles list. Such prepared list is again passed into the same build method as the initial aggregator pom file. Once all projects are build, next step is populating ReactorModelPool object, created at the beginning. It goes through all interim results and registers all models
//DefaultProjetBuilder:593 private void populateReactorModelPool( ReactorModelPool reactorModelPool, ListinterimResults ) { for ( InterimResult interimResult : interimResults ) { Model model = interimResult.result.getEffectiveModel(); reactorModelPool.put( model.getGroupId(), model.getArtifactId(), model.getVersion(), model.getPomFile() ); populateReactorModelPool( reactorModelPool, interimResult.modules ); } }
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